The Journal of Band Research is an official publication of The American Bandmasters
Association and was begun in 1964. The Journal is edited and typeset in Greensboro, North
Carolina and is published twice a year in the Fall and in the Spring by Troy University in
Troy, Alabama.
The Journal of Band Research (JBR) is the premiere scholarly publication in the world
devoted to band music, band history, and band methodology. Articles accepted for
publication in the JBR receive peer scrutiny by a distinguished editorial review board.
Instructions regarding how to submit an article are contained on this website.
JBR Staff
Editor: Dr. John R. Locke, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Emeritus
Associate Editor: Dr. Mark Walker, Troy University
JBR Store Manager: Dr. David Kish, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Managing Editor: Mrs. Amanda Hinton, Troy University
JBR Editorial Board (comprised of ABA members and non-members)
Dr. Jonathan Caldwell, Dr. Deborah A. Confredo, Dr. Mark Fonder (ABA), Dr. Kevin M. Geraldi (ABA), Dr. Phillip Hash, Dr. Steven Kelly, Dr. David Kish (ABA), Dr. Russ Mikkelson (ABA), Dr. J. Michael Raley.
Complete information regarding how to subscribe to The Journal of Band Research may be
found on this website. See link below. Also, a listing of the members of the Editorial Review
Board, as well as the Editor, and other JBR personnel may also be found here. The JBR
Store allows band directors and scholars from around the world to download individual
Click here to visit the website of The Journal of Band Research.
Click here to visit the JBR Store for past journals.
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